Sunday, January 4, 2009

On the Road in 2008

I have to say that 2008 was sort of an exception to the norm. I traveled 5 times for work, which doesn't happen that often, since I work for state government. On those trips, I managed to pass through Denver, Albuquerque, Chattanooga, Charlotte, Cincinnati,Washington DC twice, Houston, Atlanta, and Bethesda.

The part about traveling for work that escapes most people is that there really isn't any time to explore. Unless you count the airports, because let me tell you, I had plenty of time to do that. As of right now, in 2009 I have no travel for work lined up.

On the personal front, I only managed two trips by plane, but they were biggies - Bonaire in July for a week of diving, and Palau and Yap in October/November for the BEST diving I've ever done.

None of this counts the 70+ miles a day I drive going back and forth to work, all the weekend travel to see the family, or go into the city (New York), etc. And, I just bought a new vehicle 15 months ago, and have put 30,000 miles on it already. It would be safe to say that I never sit still for long.

In a later post, I'll share how I planned and packed for these trips.

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